SDI ‘Building the Dream’ | 2024 Q3

“We (Sabrina and Matthijs) have been in possession of a GForce 1541 for 3 weeks now. About 1 year ago we started with a meeting with Robert Quinn from Schionning.
We wanted a faster catamaran that sails well and preferably built it ourselves. We love projects and this way we could already start with our dream, discovering the world together from the water.
The appearance of the GForce and its performance immediately appealed to us, but we wanted something more cruising and less racing. Fortunately, Robert and his team had done something similar with the GForce 1400. And he was looking for an excuse to do the same with the GForce 1500, and there was LuSo!
Our GForce 1541, after a number of meetings and some ideas back and forth, we arrived at the final drawings. The two of us can work on the boat an average of 2 days a week, and occasionally friends come to help. As a result, we expect it to take 8 years to build the boat. By then we can probably stop working or at least start living at LuSo and take small steps into the world.
We keep track of our construction in such detail on Instagram. Hopefully we’ll see you there!!”
“Sinds 3 weken zijn wij (Sabrina en Matthijs) in het bezit van een GForce 1541. Ongeveer 1 jaar geleden zijn we begonnen met een meeting met Robert Quinn van Schionning.
We wilde graag een goed varende snellere catamaran en die het liefst zelf bouwen. We houden van projecten en op deze manier konden we nu al beginnen met onze droom, samen de wereld ontdekken vanaf het water. Het uiterlijk van de GForce en haar performance sprak ons gelijk aan, echter wilde we graag iets meer cruise en iets minder race. Gelukkig hadden Robert en zijn team iets vergelijkbaars gedaan met de GForce 1400.
En hij zocht een excuses om dit ook te doen met de GForce 1500, en daar was LuSo! Onze GF 1541, na een aantal meetings en wat ideeën over en weer zijn we tot de uiteindelijke tekeningen gekomen. Wij kunnen gemiddeld 2 dagen in de week werken aan de boot met z’n tweeën, en af en toe komen vrienden mee helpen. Hierdoor verwachten wij er 8 jaar over te doen om de boot te bouwen. Tegen die tijd kunnen we waarschijnlijk ook stoppen met werken of in ieder geval op LuSo gaan wonen en met kleine stapjes de wereld in gaan. Wij houden onze bouw zo gedetailleerd mogelijk bij op Instagram.
Hopelijk zien we jullie daar!!”
“For several years we searched for the perfect retirement cruiser. We wanted a catamaran that could sail – so light with long waterline – with a personalised layout for the two of us – so proper bedroom and kitchen – and with simple sail handling yet trilling to sail.
It became Faidapiu the first Arrow 1500 launched in December 2020. After a year in the north of Europe and two years of light wind cruising in the Mediterranean, it was time to stretch her legs.
The 500 hours sail from Gran Canaria to Rio de Janeiro was exactly what we had built her for. A passage where we experienced the joy of sailing at comfortable speeds with 10 knots being the sweet spot where she digs in nicely without stressing neither us nor her.
The design ensures speed, the set up and outfitting allows easy sail handling for a couple and the simple systems add peace of mind. As summarized by our adult son, who joined us so we could sleep longer: “No one is going to believe how easy this was.”
For us and our plans for cruising the world, the Arrow 1500 is a perfect fit and it doesn’t harm either that she is the sleekest looking boat in the anchorage.”
Katja & Fabio Giannini
@ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the propulsion side she has an efficient alloy mast and boom fully battened deep roach main, single line main reefing in the boom, roller furling headsail, and furling screecher on the prodder. A para-spinnaker finishes off her downwind capability. A simple, fast, and efficient rig.
Engine power comes from two 20 kW electric motors and a single 80 HP shaft-drive with folding props set comfortably forward for easy access from inside the hulls. This hybrid system will power all the equipment and air conditioning. There are large water and fuel tanks to ensure that the vessel is fully self-sufficient while away from the dock.
“DUALITY Began life when I contacted Jeff with a list of modifications I desired from the A1200. I wanted lower volume, slimmer hulls with longer waterline length for performance plus a different layout with single head (to save weight and build time) plus bridge deck cabins. I was more concerned with performance than load carrying ability so the A1280s was conceived.
From the day my kit arrived to launch day it was almost 3 years to the day. I built the majority of Duality by myself except for the fairing and painting and some hardware fitting which a friend did for me. I was working overseas during the build so only got to work on the boat on my days off back in Australia.
Duality pretty much sails at wind speed at most normal angles upwind and downwind. I haven’t pushed very hard but have seen 19.5kts boat speed in 19kts of wind with flat water. Upwind she likes to sail at about 9.5-10kts tacking through 90-95 degrees. Very little wind is needed to get going, it’s not uncommon to see the boat speed well in excess of wind speed in light air.
I have a rotating carbon mast from Current Marine, the mainsail is 66m2, jib 33m2, screacher 75m2 and asymmetric spinnaker 135m2. As far as cruising goes Duality has exceeded my expectations and has plenty of space for sleeping, storage and room for some toys. I carry a 2.6m tender on the davits with a 6Hp outboard which doesn’t weigh the yacht down at all.”
Matt G.
Duality | Arrow 1280S
..”The final day threw us some curved balls, 25 knots of breeze – We saw 38 knots at one stage, rising swell with 4 metre sets then we had to navigate a reef passage with 5 knots of outgoing current with over falls.
With both engines and one head sail Zero handled everything with ease, surfing a wave over the worst of the over falls.
We are currently heading south down the Queensland coast and enjoying the calmer conditions, we constantly have people cruise past and comment what a beautiful looking vessel she is. Functional and beautiful.”
Jeff Dodd
Zero² | G-Force1800SSS
On the propulsion side she has an efficient alloy mast and boom fully battened deep roach main, single line main reefing in the boom, roller furling headsail, and furling screecher on the prodder. A para-spinnaker finishes off her downwind capability. A simple, fast, and efficient rig.
Engine power comes from two 20 kW electric motors and a single 80 HP shaft-drive with folding props set comfortably forward for easy access from inside the hulls. This hybrid system will power all the equipment and air conditioning. There are large water and fuel tanks to ensure that the vessel is fully self-sufficient while away from the dock.