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G-Force 1200 ‘HUEY’ Launched in Adelaide

G-Force 1200 Catamaran HUEY Adelaide Australia - SDI - 1

'HUEY' Launched in Adelaide

A big congratulations to home builder Greg Hettner who has recently launched his beautiful G-Force 1200 named ‘HUEY’ in Adelaide, Australia.​

With help from his son Sean, the Hettner team have done a fantastic job and the mast and rigging was recently installed with ‘HUEY’ taking her first test sail! ​

We’re sure to see more from this pocket rocket in the months to come, as Greg and Sean hope to get her out sailing as much as possible. ​

The G-Force 1200 was built using a pre-cut Duflex kit, resulting in a lightweight, strong, stiff performance catamaran that looks great and will perform beyond expectations. ​

For more information on the G-Force 1200 design, see the design page here. Well done Greg and Sean! ​

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Growler 880 GTR LAUNCHED

GTR8800 - Schionning Designs International

Sydney Launch

A big congratulations to the Smith family, based in Sydney, on the launch of their Growler GROWLER 880 GTR! ​

Having been building her for the past few years in a workshop located in the suburb of Lidcombe it is fantastic to see her on the water.​

The GROWLER GTR is a 8.80 metre power catamaran design that utilizes a new Schionning Designs hull shape to achieve high end speeds and a smooth ride while keeping fuel consumption to a minimum. determination and skill. ​

Inside she is exquisitely finished with all of the modern conveniences and some very flash pieces of tech, making her a modern marvel as well as a real head turner! ​

No doubt she’ll be roaring around Sydney Harbour in the coming months and years, so keep your eyes peeled! Well done to the Smith family, they’ve done an exemplary job.