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Kit Materials Contents

Catamaran Kit Materials. What do I receive? Schionning Designs supply a list of the Kit Materials you will receive to start the process.

kit materials' Contents

So if you order a Schionning kit, what exactly is going to arrive? See an overview of the materials you will receive, and what each is used for during the build process. Fibreglass cloth or tapes? Microspheres, Microballoons or Microfibers? Take a closer look and you can answer these questions.

Our Schionning Kits are a no nonsense, common-sense approach to building a boat. We offer great service, fast delivery and access to anything you could need for your boat straight from the supplier to your door. Our construction plans and kits are sold with 100% professional boatbuilder support via phone and email, any time you're unsure or just need a second opinion, we're here.

Our kits contain all of your basic materials to build your boat to a faired shell stage, ready for painting and fit-out. We have sail-away costing estimates available for all of our standard designs, and this will give you an accurate idea of the overall cost of your project. This costing varies depending on your level of finish, as you can imagine different options vary greatly in price.

Below is a quick glance at what your Schionning Kit will include and what each item is primarily used for, we hope this is helpful and if you should require more detailed information please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

What do I actually receive?

Superlight Balsa - End-Grain Balsa - Foam - Paper Honeycomb - Western Red Cedar - SDI - End-Grain Balsa - 150kg per cubic metre Paper Honeycomb - 50kg per cubic metre Superlight Balsa - 94kg per cubic metre Western Red Cedar - 360-380kg per cubic metre - Foam


DuFlex pre-laminated panels are the main and most important material used in our kits, predominantly in the flat panel designs, however they are used in Strip-planked designs also, though to a lesser extent. These panels are 2400mm x 1200mm and are CNC routed to speed up build time on our Wildernes X Series, as well as some of our power designs. For internal furniture, a paper honeycomb core is used instead of the end-grain balsa wood core that is used for main structural areas. The use of this is purely to save weight in the shell and therefore produce a faster, more responsive catamaran.

Schionning Catamaran Kit Materials contain Kinetix Laminating Resin & Hardener Kinetix Laminating resin is used on all of our designs and is used for laminating the strip-planked areas, so round-bilge designs will use it more often whereas our flat panel designs not as much.


Kinetix Laminating resin is used on all of our designs and is used for laminating the strip-planked areas, so round-bilge designs will use it more often whereas our flat panel designs not as much.
The reason we use Kinetix is that it has a much higher heat resistance than West System epoxies and for larger surface areas that will be in direct sunlight it is the safest solution.
The Kinetix resins are mixed by weight/volume at a mixing ratio of 4:1.
Resin Choices for Catamaran Kit Building by Schionning Designs SDI - We choose ATL Composite's resin systems for their superior quality, reliability and value for money. West System Epoxy Resins


The West System range is the most widely used composite epoxy system in Australia and the World when it comes to marine applications. Trusted and recommended across the globe, these products are used for most of the gluing applications involved in your build. Pumps are sold for mixing the resin and hardeners, at a ratio of 5:1. The pumps ensure that 1:1 pump ratio will equate to exactly 5:1 resin to hardener. West System hardeners come in a variety of drying speeds from Fast to Slow and everything in between. This is important when certain jobs require more or less drying time, or when working in different environments and temperatures. The West System fillers are Microlight, Microfibres and Microspheres and these are used for either fairing, gluing, filling or coving in corners etc. These powders are mixed with the resin and hardener to form a putty of desired viscosity.
Fibreglass Tapes (Double Bias) These double bias fibreglass tape rolls are used for the joining of panels in our flat panel designs, or in round-bilge designs to a lesser extent. Anywhere that DuFlex panels need to be joined, tapes will be used. The smaller rolls come in different widths for ease of use and to save time on cutting larger rolls of cloth.


These double bias fibreglass tape rolls are used for the joining of panels in our flat panel designs, or in round-bilge designs to a lesser extent.
Anywhere that DuFlex panels need to be joined, tapes will be used.
The smaller rolls come in different widths for ease of use and to save time on cutting larger rolls of cloth.
Schionning Designs Catamaran Kit Materials Carbon Fibre Cloth Carbon fibre is used on a number of our designs and can be incorporated into any design to save on weight and increase the performance capabilities. Carbon comes in unidrectional and double bias, however is much more expensive than standard fibreglass (as one might expect). It is very similar to work with, however the resin choice may change when using carbon.


Carbon fibre is used on a number of our Schionning Catamaran Designs and can be incorporated into any design to save on weight and increase the performance capabilities.
Carbon comes in unidrectional and double bias, however is much more expensive than standard fibreglass (as one might expect). It is very similar to work with, however the resin choice may change when using carbon.
Schionning Designs Catamaran Design Kit Materials Fibreglass Cloth Fibreglass cloth is the strength and stiffness that holds your boat together, this is used in most areas for strength and is used in a variety of techniques depending on the area or job that is being performed. Fibreglass is one of the most widely used materials for low weight and high strength properties.


Fibreglass cloth is the strength and stiffness that holds your boat together, this is used in most areas for strength and is used in a variety of techniques depending on the area or job that is being performed.
Fibreglass is one of the most widely used materials for low weight and high strength properties.